Kinship of the Btsis Culture

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Kinship of the Btsis Culture Denise Palmer Intro to Cultural Anthropology Instructor Sean McCoy October 5, 2012 Kinship of the Btsis Culture In this paper I will discuss the kinship of the Btsis culture and the way they behave. I will discuss how the culture thinks, acts and lives within their society. The Btsis are a horticultural society that lives in Malaysia. The horticulture societies tend to live in bands composed of related nuclear families and extended families. The nuclear family consists of a mother, father and children and the extended would include grandparents and possibly aunts and uncles. Living in these bands allows for great sharing among the families. The survival of the culture depends greatly on the ability of the individuals within to work together. Kinship relationships determine access to resources, including band membership and sharing relationships. The horticultural societies tend to trace their descent matrilineal. Which means through the women’s side men and women are both valued and equal members of the community. Within the kinship the roles are divided between men and women. Men handle the heavy lifting and business away from the village; while women tend to the children, the home and the finances. Much like our American culture once was. But now we see more women in the work force making their own money and sometimes a single parent taking care of everything. In most foraging and horticultural societies, kinship is the most important factor in everyday life. Kinship can influence anything from economy to marriage. Btsis kinship is very important to them with some distinct differences in which make them unique. The Btsis practice what is called general reciprocity. This is a form of exchange in which there is no expectation for the immediate return of an item in exchange for something else. This
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