King Jesus Research Paper

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Luke Salmas History 4.1 Roberti Being Jesus’ Neighbor 4 BCE – My mother has just informed me that it has been 7 winters since my birth and that in itself is something to celebrate. She also told me that our neighbors, Joseph and Mary, are going to have a baby soon. It was surprising news to all of us, and when my mother asked Joseph about the child, he seemed as surprised as we were. No matter, King Augustus seems to be civil enough, hopefully he wont punish them too harshly for having a child before marriage1. Although, Joseph does seem to be a bit more worried than Mary. Either way, I will soon have a new neighbor child to befriend. 3 BCE – There is something very strange about my neighbor, Jesus. He is the newborn baby of Mary, and…show more content…
Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. Jesus: A Short Story. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. "The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ Free Bible Study Guides." Free Bible Study Guides: Practical Answers—Real Hope. Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. Sherman, Dennis, and Joyce Salisbury. The West in the World. 4th ed. Vol. 1. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2011. Print. Welcome to the Story of Jesus | Web. 10 Nov. 2011. <>. -------------------------------------------- [ 1 ]. 2 Jesus a Short Story [ 2 ]. 3 Sherman, Dennis, The West in the World [ 3 ]. 4 Jesus a Short Story [ 4 ]. 5 Ibid [ 5 ]. 6 Sherman, Dennis, The West in the World [ 6 ]. 7 The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ [ 7 ]. 8 Welcome to the Story of Jesus Christ [ 8 ]. 9 Sherman, Dennis, The West in the World [ 9 ]. 10 Welcome to the Story of Jesus Christ [ 10 ]. 11 Ibid [ 11 ]. 12 Jesus a Short Story [ 12 ]. 13 Murray, Andrew, Blue Letter Bible [ 13 ]. 14

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