Kill the White Bastard Summary

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The missing girl Once upon a time there was a girl named Zara. Zara lived in New York City with her family. When she was bullied and not had the best reputation around her, they had to move to another town. A town that was not very large and just had a population of only 117 people. The town was called “Far Away” and was far away from everything. In the town there was a school for all the students who lived in there, and on the first day, Zara became good friends with a girl named Tessa. Tessa often took with Zara home, and her family was very happy too see that she finally had a good friend to talk to, until Tessa suddenly disappeared. No one knew where she had gone to, and no one could get a switch with her. Tessa’s parents called the police to get her wanted, but not even the police could find her. After a month of sadness went there a message in to Zara’s phone. It was from Tessa. In the message stood “ Tessa is dead, and you are the next”. Zara was shocked and did not know what to do. She did not dare to show her parents, and not at all the police. After just three minutes, a new message went in from Tessa’s phone: “if you do me a favor, you are allowed to live” Zara: “what should I do and who are you?” Tessa’s phone: You find out who I am when you meet me at the school at 22:00. Zara was speechless, but she wrote: “I will be there”. After many hours, the time was closing in for Zara to go. She had just eaten with her family, and she was good to go. She took her jacket and rubber boots and rode toward the school. When she arrived, everything went light. She took her phone out and shone the flashlight and shouted, "What do you want with me?" It was quiet, the only thing she could hear was step towards her. She was very scared and turned around towards her bike, but suddenly Tessa stood in front of her with blood everywhere and said "Zara grab your

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