Kfc Case Study

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Case Study: KFC 1. Do you support KFC Corporation or People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals in this controversy? Why? I support KFC Corporation for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. The KFC Corporation does not raise and slaughter chickens. Instead they buy from independent companies. I could understand the anger if KFC raised and slaughtered their own chickens, but in this case they don’t really have a say in how these independent companies treat the chickens before they are killed. The only reason PETA is attacking KFC is because of their brand recognition. PETA also attacked McDonalds for the same reason in hope that their powerful image throughout the world would influence the farms and slaughterhouses to change their ways. Instead of attacking the source, they attack the companies that buy from them to try to embarrass them and ruin their reputation. These independent companies that sell chicken as well as other meats make a small profit when all is said and done. The way that these companies can make a profit is by trying to make themselves as efficient as possible, which can cause them to treat animals poorly. These corporations are out of the public view and are largely anonymous, which makes it difficult to target. I can understand why PETA attacks KFC and other well-known companies, but trying to ruin their reputation seems unfair and some of PETA’s demands can be impossible to fulfill. 2. What are the basic criticisms that PETA makes of KFC? Are they convincing? Are its criticisms similar to the timeless of business mentioned in the chapter? One of the basic criticisms that PETA makes of KFC is that they held KFC responsible for cruel treatment of chickens. They created this criticism with the hope that with KFC’s market power that they would be able to change the way chickens are slaughtered. PETA did not agree with the
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