Key Issues with Globalization, Roadblocks Faced by Wto and Imf and Their Future Role

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International Business Key issues with Globalization, roadblocks faced by WTO and IMF and their Future Role: Key issues faced by Globalization today Table of Contents International Business 1 Executive Summary 4 Threat due to World Financial Instability 5 Unemployment 5 Poverty Crisis 5 Political Instability 5 Terrorism 5 Global warming and Globalization 6 International Monetary Fund-IMF 6 World Trade Organization- WTO 7 IMF’s Response to the Global Economic Crisis 9 Reforming the IMF’s lending framework 10 Helping the world’s poorest 11 Creating a crisis firewall 11 Sharpening IMF analysis and policy advice 12 Reform of IMF governance to better reflect the global economy 13 Current global scenario and what should be the Role of IMF 14 DEFICIENCIES WITHIN THE WTO SYSTEM 17 Challenges confronting the WTO in this respect. 18 1. Rise in protectionism 18 2. Global business to guide WTO 21 3. Universal membership 22 Actions WTO must take in present scenario 24 KEY ROADBLOCKS: 26 Other Key Roadblocks 27 Problems with forecasting of Economic Recessions 28 REVERSE GLOBALIZATION 29 WHAT IS CAUSING REVERSE GLOBALIZATION? 29 EFFECTS OF REVERSE GLOBALIZATION 31 G20 Summit 32 Future path for the IMF 32 Conclusion 34 References: 35 Executive Summary Across every sector of society, decision makers are struggling with the complexity and velocity of change in an increasingly interdependent world. The context for decision-making has evolved, and in many cases has been altered in revolutionary ways. In the decade ahead, our lives will be more intensely shaped by transformative Forces, including economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological seismic shifts. The signals are already apparent with the rebalancing of the global economy, the presence of over seven billion people and the societal

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