Kemetic Wicca Essay

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Kemetic (Egyptian) Wicca To begin, let us elaborate on Tameran Wicca for a moment in order to bring Kemetic or Egyptian Wicca into perspective. Tameran Wicca follows Wiccan principles (celebrating the Sabbats and Esbats, circle casting, herbs, spellwork, divination, and following the Wiccan Rede) as its basis while substituting, invoking, and evoking the Ancient Egyptian deities instead of, let us say, Celtic deities for example or Gaia (Mother Earth Goddess) and the Horned God Cernunnos (Father Earth or the Green Man) ideologies. Kemetic Wicca focuses on the triadic relationship between Osiris, Isis, and Horus and their respective Cosmological Aeons in the following order—Isis (Auset), Osiris (Ausar), and Horus (Heru); its structure is based on that of the Ancient Egyptian religion as re-created in modern times with a blending of Wiccan practices and interaction with both the Khemetic and Wiccan divinities. Some pundits and practitioners feel that Tameran and Kemetic are one in the same; and some feel that Kemetic Wicca is an adaptation of the Gardnerian Tradition. The inner vision, philosophy, theology, theosophy, and spirituality of the Temple of Kemetic Wicca (ToKW) ministry and circle (coven) are based on the reconstruction and re-creation ideologies of Ancient Egyptian Religion and Heka (Magick). Further, the Goddess Ma'at (the Lady) is our primary Divinity of devotion (i.e., following and living Her representation of truth, justice, and balance). This is accomplished in conjunction with the God Re (the Lord) and the Triadic Cosmological relationship between Auset, Ausar, and Heru. Traditionally, ToKW performs ancient spellwork, rituals, healing, divination (employing the Ancient Egyptian Cartouche), and conducts prayers and blessings as closely as possible in the manner in which the Ancient Egyptians priests, priestesses, and shamans might have done so.

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