Keeping Adolescents Protected

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Keeping Adolescents Protected. Many people wonder where are kids are truly safe, is it at home with family to protect them or while they are at school? What measures should schools take to protect the children attending? A metal detector is an electronic instrument used to locate specific types of metal. Metal detectors were installed in schools in 1991 after two boys walked into their high school in Litteton Colorado and their plan was to kill hundreds of their peers. U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Science states that only two percent of public schools use daily metal detectors checks or other security procedures. Many parents believe that metal detectors are a lack of privacy for the children, and believe that the violence will continue. The crime rate in public schools has dropped eight percent in the past twelve years due to school safety with metal detectors. On April 20, 1999 In Colorado two high school seniors Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, embarked on a massacre, killing twelve students and one teacher. They also injured twenty one other students directly, and three other while they were trying to escape. After these two seniors killed and harmed their fellow classmates they killed themselves too. It was the fourth deadliest school massacre in the United States history. Many other schools around the United States have trouble with protecting their students from their fellow classmates. If stronger Security measures were taken to protect the students the percent of school violence would be lowered. Inner-city school districts have to deal with weapons in schools on a day to day basis. Seventeen percent of inner-city school district reported at least one serious crime. The schools with higher crime rate have a higher need for metal detectors on a regular basis to keep their students in a safe learning environment. Violence
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