During the Simon’s (Matt and Marie’s son) birthday party, there were some conversations between Kate, Daniel and Kate, Marie; Marie told Kate to face the truth that Matt’s life was not a failure, and he love his son, his family and the farm. The most important thing that bothered Matt, however, was that Kate cannot forgive Matt and cannot understand him. Daniel also has made some progress (Page 281-282); he tells Kate to look at real world too; also, Daniel point out that Kate had put the story in a place that was too heavy. Actually, Matt did not change after being a famer. He can be a scholar; however, he just found out he like farming, too.
Accepting mortality as an inevitable part of life is an obstacle that every must undertake at some time in his or her life. Author E.B. White encounters such a struggle in his essay “Once More to the Lake”, in which he recalls taking his son to a lake retreat in Maine that his father took him to every first week of August in his youth. During the trip, White sees the lake through his son’s eyes but notices variations in the environment as a result of time. He begins to feel more like his father as he watches his son, but has trouble accepting that he, just like the lake, is changing and aging as time passes on.
Kate also believed that education was the key to success in life, she valued learning and this was because of Matt’s influence on her. She believed that nothing should get in the way of one’s education, she was so determined to succeed and she didn’t allow her relationship with Daniel to get in the way. Changes were seen in Kate as she yearned to leave Crow Lake a small town to a large city with no intentions of coming back. Her strong love for her siblings gradually diminished, she was embarrassed by them when they came for her graduation and the great
Mojgan Sharafedin Amir Sharife English A-X OCT, 18, 2011 Shrine Lake The Lake Shrine is at 17190 Sunset Boulevards, Pacific Palisades, CA .Words cannot do justice to the immense beauty of this place, and this is why I encourage everyone to visit Lake Shrine. Parking and entrance is free, however there is a drop box for donations. But the parking is so small, and if you go on the weekend, maybe you have problem for finding any parking space. There is encircled by a foot path around the lake, and it has many benches, pavilions, and alcoves that inviting you stop and smell the abundant roses. You can see the colorful flowers in the two sides of path; it makes you so cheerful.
This sense of responsibility is exacerbated by his mother’s request that he “hold on to your brother, and don’t let him fall, no matter what it looks like is happening to him and no matter how evil you gets with him. You going to be evil with him many a times. But don’t forget what I told you.” Despite his reassurances to his mother, James is married and leaving town two days after this conversation. He is content to get on with his own life and pursue his own dreams of family and career. He puts the promise out of his mind and is happy to just forget about his brother, until his mother dies and another meeting with Sonny is on the
The reason to Conrad’s suicide attempt is his mom's acute coldness towards him shows her ultimate despise of Conrad because she blames him for not dying instead of her favorite first born son. After his suicide, Conrad is asked to see a psychiatrist by his father. Cal tries to bring the family back together, Beth, Conrad and himself, but fails to do so. Beth never once visited Conrad in the hospital and barely checks up on him to see if he was asleep. She began to shut herself from her husband and most importantly, her son.
Unkle Billy escaped his direct fate by dooming the others and it is never let known to the reader if he becomes happy later on in his life, though it is doubted by his cynical and untrustworthy nature; he would probably never let himself be happy by always fearing the world around him. Oakhurst and the Duchess both had more life to look forward to and so far they had been living life on their terms, even if it wasn’t the optimal way to live. The Innocent and Piney had each other and had run away to fulfil their lives of happiness together. Mother Shipton was the only one in the confining cabin that didn’t have something specific to look forward to after the mountains, yet she had been living her life the way she choose before the exile. Society had thrown out Oakhurst, Duchess and Mother Shipton for them being themselves; by living their successes they were condemned.
Josie’s father, Michael Andretti, comes back into Josie’s life with no idea that he had a daughter. When he finds out that Josie is his daughter, both him and Josie decide to have nothing to do with each other. At school Josie hangs out with her troublemaking friends, Sera, Anna and Lee. Josie has a crush on the school captain of their brother school, John Barton. She also meets Jacob Coote, the school captain from the local state school, who asks Josie out.
He didn’t think Aron could handle it at all,” (Steinbeck 586). Cal who is known to take advantage of his brother is not as evil as many think. Cal loves his brother so much that he does not want to hurt is brother anymore but helps him by hiding the truth about his mother. Has much as Cal relatives to his mother Cal still has people that he loves unlikely his mother,
She had been receiving letters from her ex-husband saying "How are you and the boys? Bet they’re getting big," (1, Medicine River). The clear absence of the father has caused Rose to become independent and have to raise her children by herself, as well as support her kids with no financial aid from a husband, an uncommon front for a woman in a time where men dominated. In addition to the independence and self-reliance of Bertha and Rose, Louise, a female who lives in Medicine River with Will, possesses these same characteristics. She has found a way to succeed at a job in a time when it occurs very seldomly for women.