Karl Marx And May Weber

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David Smith Social Theory Question #1 Both Max Weber and Karl Marx based their reflections on the notion of class. Find the location of class in their respective analyses of society and explain their similarities and differences in the use of the concept of class When exploring the theories of the two most popular and controversial sociologists one will find there are many differences and similarities between Karl Marx and Max Weber with regard to their concepts of class. Marx and Weber are both critical concerning the development and study of class conflict. In The Communist Manifesto, Marx describes his ideas about class conflict. Marx gives his own interpretation of what can be defined as a class. He states that a class is formed when its members achieve class consciousness and solidarity. This largely happens when the members of a class become aware of their development and the conflict with another class. A class will then realize their shared interests and a common identity. According to Marx, a class will then take action against those that are exploiting the lower classes. Marx largely focuses on one single factor--a capitalist society as the source of social stratification, which ultimately results in class conflict. He states that capitalism creates a division between classes which can largely be seen in manufacturing factories. The working class or, the proletariat is separated by from the bourgeoisie because production becomes a social enterprise. Contributing to their separation is the technology present in industrial factories. Technology deskills alienates manual laborers and renders them virtually obsolete as a workforce since they no longer offer a specialized skill. Another effect of technology is the creation of homogenous workforce that can be easily replaced. Marx believed that reducing so many people to that of the
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