Jury Nullification Essay

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James Wetzel CRMJ 101-52 Online Jury Nullification-Article 1 Jury Nullification occurs when a jury returns a verdict against the proof of guilt because the jurors believe the law to be unjust or unjustly applied. As a result, the defendant is declared innocent, or is given a lesser penalty, even though without an act of jury nullification they would have been found guilty. While this all seems great, jury nullification is a source of much debate in today’s society. Some maintain that it is an important safeguard or last resort again the wrongful punishment and imprisonment. While others often view it as a violation of the right of a jury and undermining that law. . Jury nullification is a good thing; it is needed in that three to four percent of cases that are exceptional, marginal or divisive. As so the top of jury nullification has become a hot topic but it should mention that jury nullification only occurs in three to four percent of cases, as shown be studies. Jury nullification was put into place by the founding fathers of this nation for a reason, to prevent governmental overreaching. Alexander Hamilton stated “it was the surest protection of the people’s liberties”. Juries rarely nullify irresponsibly, which is another exceptional reason for jury nullification to be a perfectly legitimate. Jury nullification was put in place as a sort of safety value it allows the jurors to hear the case and based on the facts use there own judgment to decide whether the laws are unjust. For example in the case of Sam Skinner, a AIDs patient was prosecuted for the illegal use of marijuana. The marijuana helped counteract the overwhelming side effects of the drug AZT which Skinner used to help with his AIDs. The AZT would often at times make Skinner seem like he wasn’t actually there, the marijuana helped him from wasting away. Now although Skinner admitted to
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