Junk Food Essay

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Writing V Collisions Anran January 28th,2013 Junk food The purpose of this essay is to discuss the third reason of junk food (?) addicted to eat junk food, eating unhealthy food lead serious health problem, vending machines in school and , and ?. In my option, junk food should be balance to eat health and unhealthy food, but not, children are responsible make their own choices. The first reason children are addicted to eat junk food. The television advertisement programming they will watch and are being encourage them want to predominately feature unhealthy foods. In addition, there are many several fast food restaurants are wherever and their parents will bring them to go shopping malls, sport arenas, the restaurants offer them to taste special unhealthy food and they will be continue do eat it. They (?) Cartoon characters on food packages or movies on food packaging, so they tend to like that food. The another reason they are eating unhealthy food lead serious health problem. They are continue to eat unhealthy food might damage their physical and emotional healthy, high blood pressure, disease, such as health risk. They are eating too much junk food might make them feel really uncomfortable lead to lower their energy and could become excess weight. For example, when they stay in home watch cartoon and play game during eating snake foods and soft drinks cause them are probably getting o?, if they trouble. The third reason junk food from vending machine in schools and cafeterias. The fact is school are bad set the vending machine offer profit stream they need for their budge. School are using the profits from the vending machine for after schools activities library, cafeterias, classroom out of the vending machines, cafeterias etc. For example, when they played sport area, they are getting thirsty and easier to put it into soda machine during drinking

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