Joyas Voladoras Essay

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Date: sep, 17, 13 Joyas Voladoras essay In the story of “Joyas Voladoras “ Brian Doyle explains how the heart can be such an amazing and wonders thing. But also how fragile it is in our daily routines from the hummingbird to the whale to us. The essay of “Joyas Voladoras” says both of these in many different ways. Doyle starts with the humming bird’s hart and of how fast it beats 10 times a second. Throughout the story he explains how small and fragile it is. There are well over three hundred types of hummingbirds but they all have something in common there hart. Each one different in looks shapes and sizes but their hearts are all still the size of a pencil eraser. Sure the hummingbirds hart is small but compared to the size it is full of strength. But the heart of the hummingbird is just as fragile as it is strong just the smallest slip up and that’s the end. Even when they rest they risk their lives as there hart slows down till it seems there about to die. In the low temperatures, in the coldness they have to stop and slowdown as there body begins to shut down from the cold. They have to stop at over 1000+ flowers to fill their tiny bellies if they don’t meet its high demands they die. The fast beating of their tiny harts brings the hummingbird closer and closer to its own death. The hart of the hummingbird makes up most of a hummingbird. Doyle explains how the blue whale has the biggest hart in the whole world it is as big as a room with four chambers that

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