Question B: Assuming Joseph’s heart has stopped, what cellular processes and membrane functions are going to be affected by the loss of oxygen, blood glucose, and waste removal? The cellular process that is normally affected when the heart stops beating is the aerobic respiration. Glucose begins the process in glycolysis and oxygen is required for reactions in the mitochondria. Question C: Which intracellular oganelles have membranes as part of their structure? How would the breakdown of the membranes of these structures affect the function of Joseph’s heart cells?
Homeostasis can shut down causing imbalance of water, pH balance and ionic equilibrium, all factors of homeostasis in individual cells. F. Why was reestablishing oxygen flow to Joseph’s body so important? What processes would be affected by lack of oxygen? Without oxygen the cells would not work and ultimately die. All processes in the
The sequel of refeeding syndrome adversely affect nearly every organ system and include cardiac dysrhythmias, heart failure, acute respiratory failure, coma, paralysis, nephropathy, and liver dysfunction. The primary cause of the metabolic response to refeeding is the shift from stored body fat to carbohydrate as the primary fuel source. Serum insulin levels rise, causing intracellular movement of electrolytes for use in metabolism. The best advice when initiating nutritional support is to "start low and go slow". Recommendations to reduce the risk of refeeding syndrome
Because of M.M.’s increased Kussmaul respirations he is unable to fully express carbon dioxide from his lungs causing the carbon dioxide concentration of the blood to increase and the pH to decrease causing acidosis. The physician will likely order a ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) lung scan and a continuous heparin
Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure: Case Study #2 GCU Pathophysiology and Nursing Management of Client's Health NRS 410 V Cardiomyopathy and Congestive Heart Failure The main function of the heart is to pump blood to meet the needs of the body. Heart failure occurs when the heart doesn’t have the ability to pump enough blood to the different parts of the body. This can occur if there is any defect in the heart muscles or if it becomes weaker due to some other factors. When this happens the kidney receives less blood to filter. The extra fluids build up in the legs, lungs, liver and around the eyes.
Aldolase B is considered the chief aldolase isoenzyme that is responsible for fructose metabolism and gluconeogenesis within the liver. This is turn, produces fructose 1,6-biphosphate from the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. When fructose is ingested, the body cannot change its energy storage substance glycogen to glucose. When glucose builds up in the liver, the blood sugar falls resulting in hypoglycemia. (PubmedHealth, 2009) Fructose 1 phosphate which is the substrate of Aldolase B is split by Aldolase.
By blocking beta receptors, the heart rate will be slowed and reduces demand for oxygen and contractility. By slowing the heart rate, diastole will increase and the time of coronary blood flow will increase. With a decreased heart rate and contractility, the amount of work the heart has will also decrease. Calcium channel blockers are used to treat
Blood hormone concentrationare usually governed by negative feedback control – a reduction in concentration stimulates additional secretion and an increase in concentration inhibits further secretion. Once hormone binds to a receptor moleculethey are usually degraded rapidly. This ‘rapid recovery system’ mens that the target calls can be sensitive to changing levels of the hormones that regulate their
3. First-pass elimination by the liver is reduced because of the immaturity of the liver and reduced levels of microsomal enzymes. 4. Intramuscular absorption
SCI/16 The various issues of unhealthy living lead to multiple life threatening diseases, such as diabetes. This condition is when the body cannot produce insulin that is located in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that moderates the blood level. Diabetes affects the process of how the body uses blood sugar. There is no cure for diabetes but there are ways to lower the risks.