Johnny Got Hit Gun Review

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Heather Miller Tricia Lord English 1B 4 July 2011 The Living Dead If you open the novel Johnny Got His Gun by Dalton Trumbo, you must tell yourself to let go of your preconceptions, and to simply let the book take you where it will; just go with the flow. If you take on this mindset, this book will blow you away. This book is like nothing you’ve read before. If you are a reader who values fuzzy stories with happy endings close this book immediately. If you are a reader who loves to embrace painful reality, this book will be right up your alley. Completely original, Johnny Got His Gun is one of those stories you never forget;. The scene is tragic. Imagine waking up in a hospital only to realize you are deaf and dumb, with no legs, arms, or even a face. The young main character, Joe Bonham, discovers, “he had no arms and no legs. He threw back his head and started to yell from fright. But he only started because he had no mouth to yell with”. All he is left with is his mind. He’s alone in his thoughts seemingly for the rest of his life. This isn’t just another anti-war book; Johnny Got His Gun is completely unique. Written in stream-of-consciousness style this book takes you into the world of Joe Bonham that exists entirely inside his head. Dalton Trumbo certainly knows how to stab right at the sensitive spots of emotion. It’s as if your thoughts become one with Joe’s and his pain is yours. So, ultimately you care for Joe as you’ve cared for no other character in a book before. Joe is stuck only with his memories. There are no new experiences with his five senses ever to be known again. He longs to have his life back and he is angry it was taken away in a war he was forced to fight in that he didn’t believe in or understand, “Somebody said let’s go out and fight for liberty and so they went and got killed without ever once thinking about liberty. And what
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