He was a very dedicated soldier whose sense of patriotism was unparalleled. It was this spirit of dedication and determination that allowed Stroessner to rise to the top so quickly. He became a brigadier and the youngest general officer in South America by 1948. In 1954, Stroessner led a coup d’état to overthrow President Federico Chávez. After he became president, Stroessner ruled for eight terms a total of 35 years.
John F Kennedy, the second-youngest president made an outstanding speech after being sworn in presidential office. John F. Kennedy made one of the greatest speeches that has ever been seen by not just America but also many other nations. The young president's reliance on biblical quotations, metaphors, parallelism, and antithesis was a big essence of what the speech was based on. The Inaugural Speech has a lot of meaning and purpose, but most essentially, the speech was to usher in a “new era”, inform and inspire change in the nations, and motivate people to feel patriotic and united. Kennedy wanted to usher a new era to the United States of America by introducing new ideas such as putting a man on the moon, which man people thought was impossible.
The Moon Landings introduce landmark controversy through political, social, environmental, scientific and exploration factors. All arguments prompt deliberation as to whether the 1969 landings can be considered a historical landmark. #Neil Armstrong was the first man to set foot on the moon with Buzz Aldrin following 20 minutes after. The famous words of Armstrong ‘That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ as he took his first step on the moon remain significant to this day. Armstrong noted that the landing had left a small crater on the moon.
He and fellow astronaut David Scott were launched into the earth's orbit on March 16, 1966. While in orbit, they were able to briefly dock their space capsule with the Gemini Agena target vehicle. This was the first time two vehicles had successfully docked in space. During this maneuver, however, they experienced some problems and had to cut their mission short. They landed in the Pacific Ocean nearly 11
Firstly the main goal of the American government was to land on the moon before Russia did. This was to do the with whole arms race that was going on throughout the “Cold War”. The American public strongly believed that once man had landed on the moon, they would start to build colonies up there. While the public were dreaming of dome houses and moon cities the U.S military had other ideas. Project Horizon was the plan to establish a military base on the moon, one with minimal personnel required to function.
When the movie premiered forty years ago, living and working in space was definitely "science fiction". Today, the reality is that three resident crew members are aboard the International Space Station 365 days of the year - operating one of the most complicated engineering projects in our technological history. This reality sees us continually pushing the boundaries of 21st century scientific, technological and engineering prototypes. Science fiction becoming more of a reality...? Although we haven't yet colonized the moon, NASA has a plan in place to return to the moon by 2020 and maintain a permanent presence there.
Contributions to Society Self made multi-billionaire, entrepreneur and philanthropist Bill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington in 1955. Everyone in America recognizes the name Bill Gates; it is hard not to be famous when you are the richest self-made man in America. The contributions to society made by Mr. Gates are numerous, but most notable and arguably his best is his company Microsoft, the world’s largest software production company. From a small, no name company formed in 1975 Bill Gates worked countless hours and in no time was able to bring his company to a multi-billion dollar corporation. Eventually, Bill Gates knew that his money and his wife could help the rest of society as his mother had done as a civic leader.
And how far are we willing to go in order to pursue our hopes of life on the red planet? A total amount of 598.169.000 Euros have been spent on launching all the rovers since the sixties into space in order to explore mars. That amount of money could have been used for supplying food to third world countries or to spend on cancer research. So what convinces scientists that this amount of money had to be invested into all these space projects? After all, we will never retrieve the shuttles once they blast through our atmosphere on a one-way trip.
On the 4th of October 1957, Sputnik 1 launched into orbit, the first man-made satellite. This satellite was controlled by the Soviets. Although this spread joy and pride throughout the Soviet Union, countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom became fearful of the device orbiting the Earth. This became a constant fear for political leaders during the Cold War. Before, the Space Race was nothing more than a competition to decide whether capitalism or communism was a more superior
After graduating in 1960 Welch joined General Electric as a Chemical engineer and worked his way through the ranks to become the Chairman and CEO of GE, making him the eighth and youngest leader. During his 20 year reign of General Electric, one of Americas largest and most well known companies Jack Welch's management skills became almost legendary. His no nonsense leadership style gave him a reputation of being hard, even ruthless, but also fair when making business decisions. Welch had little time for bureaucracy and archaic business ways. If managers didn't change they were replaced