John Dickson's Arguments Against Independence

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John Dickson’s Arguments against Independence This document is a speech by John Dickinson to the Second Continental Congress about his hesitance about declaring independence. It was spoken on July 1, 1776 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania during a meeting with the members of the Continental Congress. This speech becomes an important part of the Revolutionary War because of its explanation of all the disadvantages of declaring independence. Before this document, the colonists were rebelling against English rule. In 1773 was the dumping of tea in the Boston Harbor and in June of 1774 the Coercive Acts, also known as the Intolerable Acts, were created which frustrated the colonists. The way the English had so much rule over them was one of the main reasons why they wanted to declare independence. The battle at Lexington and Concord was April 19, 1775 with the formation of the Second Continental Congress being in 1775. John Dickinson, the author of the document, was a delegate in both the First and Second Continental Congress. He was an esteemed writer who helped Thomas Jefferson write a Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms, and also wrote Olive Branch Petition, an appeal to King George III to resolve the dispute. He also wrote Letter from a Pennsylvania Farmer, which regarded the Townshend Acts. From what one can gather from this document John Dickinson wanted reconciliation between the colonies and Great Britain and not complete independence. The document from John Dickinson mainly states that declaring independence would not be of benefit for the colonies during 1776. John Dickinson stated that escaping the protection of England would be like “…destroying a house before we have got another, in winter, with a small family; then asking a neighbor to take us in and finding he is unprepared.” He is basically saying that they shouldn’t break the
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