Job Stress and Corruption

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Job Stress and Corruption Jonna McNeil Everest Online CCJ1020-12M Job Stress and Corruption I am going to define and discuss how job stress and corruption affect the police personnel and give some ideas how to solve these issues. Job Stress Job stress is physical and mental pressure applied by issues with one’s job. Police psychologists have divided the stressors of police officers into four distinct categories: external, organizational, duty, and individual stressors. (Siegel & Worrall) I am going to go over each of these individually. External stressors can be caused by stated defamation from the community, his belief of justice system complications, and court decisions that favor the criminal. Organizational stressors can be caused by limited opportunity for advancement within the department or underpayment, excessive paperwork. Duty Stressors can be caused by burdens of the job such as rotating shifts or long hours or being constantly in harm’s way, it can also be caused by monotony. Individual stressors can be caused by issues at home, or the officer’s temperament. Stress can cause high blood pressure, insomnia, and heart problems just to name a few physical issues it can cause. It can also cause depression which can lead to suicide. A stressed out police officer may turn to alcohol or drugs to try and deal with what is going on. Some other instances of stressors it could be the officer killed someone in the line of duty, or his partner got killed. Corruption Corruption is when a police officer exercises legitimate discretion for improper reason or using illegal means to achieve approved goals.(Siegel &Worrall) There is different types of corruption and those are: Internal, Selective enforcement or no enforcement, Active criminality, and Bribery and Extortion. I will explain these in detail one by one. Internal corruption is where the
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