Jigsaw Method Essay

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This task will use the given information to incorporate the use of the Jigsaw model to describe a lesson on saltwater marsh ecosystems interdependence. Goal: Students will develop a deeper understanding of interdependence within ecosystems by examining how plants and animals interrelate in a saltwater marsh. Objectives: Given pictures and written information of saltwater marsh plants and animals, each student will do the following: 1. Identify and describe important facts regarding saltwater marsh plants and animals. 2. Integrate information from all three areas of the salt marsh (tidal changes, plants, and animals) and incorporate new vocabulary words (salt marsh, tide, cord grass, marsh hay, burrow, gills) by writing a paragraph with at least five integrated facts. Step 1: Grouping: Divide 36 students into mixed-ability, mixed-gender, and mixed-race groups of six and have each student in the group count off with numbers one through six. Rationale: Dividing 36 students into six groups makes groups even and allows for each student to have one vocabulary word for one of the areas of the salt marsh. Step 2: Appoint group leaders: Assign the most mature student from each group as the leader. The leader will help keep the group focused on their individual tasks. Rationale: Each group needs a student assigned to manage the group to keep individuals focused on their own assignment and keep them from looking at the others’ assignments. Step 3: Divide lesson into elements: Divide the lesson into six elements using the three areas of the salt marsh with one of each of the six vocabulary words as follows: Tidal Changes Group #1: tide Group #2: salt marsh Plants Group #3: cord grass Group #4: marsh hay Animals Group #5: gills Group #6: burrow Rationale: There are six vocabulary words with two each that are related to one of the three areas of the salt marsh and

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