Jigs Essay

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Elements of Jigs and Fixtures. Various elements of jigs and fixtures and their details are follows. 1: Body 2: Locating devices 3: Clamping devices 4: Tool guide(jigs bushing) 1: Body: The jig body is generally made of cost iron by casting process or fabricated by welding together various slabs and bars of mild steel. It may be heat treated to relief the stresses. Body is the most prominent feature of the jig. Its main purpose is to support and house the job. The various jig body are follows: (A):Plane Type Jig: Plane type jig is the simplest type, it is used when plane holes are to be drilled. It has either drill bushes for guiding the tools or the holes without bushes. (B): Channel Type Jig: Channel type is made up from standard steel channel section. (C): Box type Jig: Box type jig is used where a component requires drilling in more than one plane and the jig is to be provided with on equilant number of drill bush plates. One side of the box is fitted with a lid which can be opened for inserting the component and for unloading it. It should be made as light as possible. (D): The Built Up Jig: The built up jig used dowels and screws for fabricating member welded type. Standard steel sections are used in it for the limited numbers of details, which are secured by means of screws and dowels, the locating pins and the blocks are positioned so that the greatest dimensional variation of the work piece may be accommodated. (E): Leaf Type Jig: Leaf type jig is simple made from a block of steel fitted with two adjustable locating screws and a spring loaded plunger. It is used in case of measured large components where it may be both unnecessary and construct a jig to hold the complete component , where madding is purely confined to a local section of the work piece. 2:Locating Devices The pins of various design and made of hardened

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