Jet Airways Case

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Jet Airway’s Strategy, Operations and Competitive Position 1. Jet Airways was one of the most successful airlines in India. Critically discuss its strategy and operations. What do you think of the airline’s strategy of focusing on the business segment? • Position itself differently from Indian Airlines, which was then the dominant player in the Indian aviation. • It was designed to take advantage of Indian Airlines unsatisfactory operations and to lure passengers’ especially regular fliers from it. • Positioned itself as an airline for business travelers and preferred to earn and retain the loyalty of this segment of passengers. This strategy gave Jet the freedom to increase the prices to corresponding with increasing fuel cost • The commitment to professionalism further built by its colors and logo • Connected most of the metros of India and offered several early morning and late night flight slots usually preferred by the business travelers • Tried to convey that flying could also be an enjoyable experience. • Employed young and outgoing people as cabin crew and ground staff and ensured they are well trained and dressed • In flight catering with food served even on short flights and the whole process was handled so efficiently that the passengers did not feel rushed or uncomfortable • Started several contests and gifts to keep the passengers engaged during their flights • Feedback system was built with the action being taken within seven days of being collected • Airline employed more or less uniform fleet of Boeing saving airlines in terms of costs of pilot and crew training, maintenance and increased substitutability of spare parts • Planes were designed for maximum comfort Airlines strategy of focusing on the business segment was effective for a short run but might
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