Jesus in Mark's Gospel

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The life of Christ in Mark’s Gospel evidently accounts the humble and just acts of Jesus Christ on earth. Jesus was seen as an activist, a teacher and a healer. He touched the lives of many people in sickness, taught us the ways of faith and challenged the position of other people of power at the time. The ministries of Jesus teach us relevant lessons not only for the people that were living the New Testament but also for catholics to reflect on today. Mark’s Gospel has a vast number of examples portraying Jesus as a leader of new teachings. In particular these include Jesus’ divine way of instructing the faith in ways that enlivened and transformed the lives of the people he met. In Mark’s Gospel we learn that Jesus wanted to spread the word of the Holy Spirit and the kingdom of God. He travelled many places in his ministry telling parables to spread the word. “Let us go so that I may proclaim the message there also; as that is what I came out to do” (Mark 1:38). He was simple and sensitive and saw things from a different light. This means Jesus had a gift of understanding others and their needs. An example in Mark 5 is when a crowd is pressing on Jesus and a woman who suffered from hemorrhages felt her whole body heal. Jesus is aware of the power whom had gone forth from him and that her faith had been made well. Although the woman was in fear for what she had done, Jesus’ response was to go in peace and be healed. Here is one example where we gather Jesus was willing to help those in need because their faith had come from the heart and not through words. With all who witnessed, Jesus healing, in the crowds and were astonished, it helped spread the good word. Jesus was a compassionate man who was never afraid to spread his faith, or respond to the faith in others. An example of Jesus responding to the faithful is found in Mark 7:24- 30. The Syrophoenician

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