Japan Anime Culture

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Essay#2 Japan Anime Culture Nowadays, anime is no doubt playing a very important role in young people’s daily life. You can see almost every single little child is holding a portable electronic device in their hand playing games like “Pokemon”, “Tamagotchi”. But what’s the reason behind the popularity of these Japanese anime? Throughout this essay we are going to use Sailormoon and Power Rangers as examples, discussing about why Japanese heroes products are so popular. We are also going to talk about the models of power, character and social values represented in these two products. Why youngsters love those hero types of anime? According to Allison, “It is especially scarce today at a time when “play” for children has become cannibalized by the demands of school and the hyperregimentation of daily schedules.” From the above quote from Allison’s book, we know that the reason about why children love anime so much is because of some specific social conditions. The social condition that in my opinion affected the children the most is the pressure from school. Since children from Japan are forced to go to school and expected to get good grades by their parents, this kind of pressure makes children wants to escape from the real world and try to find their fantasy world. This kind of action we called it “healing” meaning “children are facing a imagine premodern fantasy life with the re-introduced gods, ghosts and moster.” (Shinichi Nakazawa from lecture notes) But how are we going to connect the “healing” with Sailormoon and Power Rangers? It is very simple, Sailormoon and Power Rangers give children space of imagination for them being heroes saving the world. In that case they don’t have to worry about the reality but only imaging themselves as heroes. Now let’s talk about the Sailormoon and Power Rangers in more details, they have some similarities, for example,

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