Jane Austen's View on Marriage

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My view of the love between Darcy and Elizabeth and other relationships in PP is changed due to the realisation of Jane Austen’s view on marriage in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century as a result of her personal experiences and the main motivations for people to marry in her time. “It is truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife” (Austen 1) The immediate introduction to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice opens our minds to the ways of love in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century; the universal truth can be seen as a social truth. In Austen’s time, the social class in which you were born into very much governed what you did and your behaviour. The theme of marriage is a strong plot throughout Pride and Prejudice, and Austen’s view of this establishment can clearly be seen through her writings. Austen uses her novels to interpret her feelings on the subject of marriage and relationships; concluding that marriage is only satisfactory when there is love between the two people involved. There are several examples found in Austen’s work of the way marriage was convicted in her time. However, behind the writing of Austen, can be seen her own personal experience with love and marriage, which helped shape my understanding of her attitude towards betrothment. According to Fraiman, Austen has a “complex understanding of marriage as an economic and social institution”. One may read Austen and not look beyond the pages, but while reading Pride and Prejudice I became curious as to her own personal experiences with the main theme of the novel. I felt maybe her background is what shaped Pride and Prejudice into the novel it is perceived to be. She was engaged to an Irishman but before they could be wed her fiancé’s mother realised there was to be no gain of wealth by his son’s matrimony
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