Jamaica Kincaid's Girl

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As we go through life, certain people and surroundings will have an impact on the way we develop our understanding about life that influences us for a lifetime. The influence of family and culture in our everyday lives has been a repetitive cycle in every generation. Jamaica Kincaid’s poem, “Girl”, provides clear insight of a mother’s lifelong advice to her daughter to guide her on becoming a commendable woman. In the poem, a parent appoints her daughter what to do and how to do it. Based on the mother’s tone in the text, she wants to create a mirror-image of herself to her daughter. Girls are often taught how to be inferior of boys by teaching them how to be the “typical” woman that stays home, cleans, and serve men. Families and cultures have a positive and negative…show more content…
As the youngest and an only girl in the family, I have experienced the different advantages and disadvantages of growing up to be a woman. In many ways, certain teachings and influences in their lives have empowered girls to be a mature and responsible woman even at an early age. The guidance of her mother has given her discipline in her actions and consequences. We are often taught how to be “lady-like” at such a young age that it has been imprinted in our minds on what-to-do and what-not-to-do’s. Also, it gives an opportunity for women how to be independent such as cleaning, cooking, running errands, and serving her family. At the same time, by the way girls are taught in their childhood and adolescents, women are to be dependent of the men around them. For example, in earlier times, women are taught to be subordinate to their husbands. They are not allowed to work but to stay home and take care of the family. Similarly, women today are expected to raise their family more than men. For many years, the empowerment and limitations of women have shaped their roles in

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