Jacksonian Democracy Essay

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Jacksonian Democracy DBQ Jacksonian democracy was a time of mass democracy. Government was beginning to shift towards a government run by the people, and represented by the people. In the election of 1824 all the candidates ran as Democratic-Republicans (PK). Andrew Jackson would lose to John Q. Adams due to the “corrupt bargain” and the new political party the democrats would emerge. Jacksonian democrats were only guardians of political democracy, individual liberty and equality of economic opportunity, and the United States Constitution when it benefitted them. They were inconsistent in their handlings of these political notions. Voting in the elections during the 1820s to 1840 was more popular than ever. After the financial panic of 1819 white males without land demanded that they have suffrage and the ability to hold office; they were granted in the era of the Jacksonian Democracy (PK). White men now had universal manhood suffrage. The United States had achieved what many countries at this time could not achieve, but they were still lacking in guaranteeing political democracy for women, slaves, freed African Americans, Indians, and slaves. Philip Hone, a New York City businessman and Whig politician reported on a pro-slavery riot in Philadelphia on 1834 (DE). He made it clear that there was not political democracy with in Philadelphia in regards to the rights of African Americans. Harriet Martineau, a British author reported on her 1834 visit to the U.S. She believed that the U.S. was politically democratic and diversified (DD). Martineau witnessed in the U.S. that all white men debated before the elections and then were able to vote. In her view she would have believed that this was very democratic. Andrew Jackson was democratic in his approach to running the President’s office. He rewarded his friends and campaign supporters with jobs in the White House.

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