Jabberwockey Essay

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Lewis Carrol is well known for his signature “nonsense” words. The poem Jabberwocky is one of his famous poems that include a majority of these nonsense words. He uses great detail, or in other words very strong imagery, strong enough for any reader to create a picture in their heads. The poem tells the story of a fairytale, filled with bravery and odd creatures. To start off the poem, it describes a land where it’s very gray. The boy’s father warns him about the fierce and evil Jabberwock. Despite his father’s warning, he sets out to hunt down the terrifying creature. The boy found the Jabberwock and completes his challenge, returning to his father with the head of the beast. His father praises his son for the brave thing he has accomplished. You may be left with the meaning that the whole land has been changed by just one brave act of the boy, him slaying the Jabberwocky. As the boy did such a brave thing, he is now considered more of an adult. This poem describes the fears of growing up for kids and the fear of adults letting their kids grow up. The jabberwocky stands for a great challenge many face in their life coming an adult. The father is giving his son the warning of how terrifying the Jabberwocky is and two other evil creatures about the land, not comforting him but seems to be trying to scare him out of the quest. Hence adults not letting their children grow up and explore what’s out there. The point that the poem starts and ends in the same stanza relates to the fact that you will face the same challenge when growing up to adulthood and come face to face with it again. After the boy has slain the Jabberwocky he’s seen as more of an adult, his father is pleased with what he accomplished. The land has changed for the better all because of this one boy. Although, the poem starts and ends with the same exact stanza it shows that the land once the

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