When a human comes in contact with the fleas and rats that are infected and are bitten by these infected animals, they also become infected. The Mongols clan believe it was the vast trading that occurred
The disease spread from nation to nation, killing millions of people and seriously affecting their lives especially Britain. It is thought to be one of the most devastating plagues in human history. It is thought to have begun in the mid 1340’s in China, caused by dirty rodents who had infected fleas. The fleas travelled through Asia and lived on Rats and all sorts of other creatures. Some of these creatures became passengers on merchant ships that sailed to Europe.
Another terrible problem was the rats. There were literally millions of rats running around the trenches. They fed on the dead remains of the soldiers and could grow to the size of a rat. These rats carried many diseases that killed many of the men there as well. Lice were another dilemma in the trenches.
Black Death is also known as the Bubonic Plague from a bacterium scientifically named “Y. Pestis”, that is found in fleas. These fleas fed on rats, which facilitated their spread between Asia and Europe, the fleas fed on people along the places of their journeys causing infection (Peschke 2007). Black Death reduced the population of Europe by a staggering s amount, It is estimated that approximately 20 million people across Europe were wiped out. (Peschke 2007) In European society the Church was a symbol of authority and power; local clergymen were considered representatives of the Pope and God himself.
The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague, was a disease that lasted from 1348 to 1351 that impacted the world culturally and emotionally, in addition to wiping out thousands of people. The Plague came from Asia to Europe and was caused by fleas that were transported by rats through trading routes. It is difficult to know the exact number of victims, but estimates range from 25% to 60% of the European population succumbed to it. According to Joseph Byrne, in The Black Death, current estimates are that between 75 and 200 million people died from the plague. At the time, it was referred to as the “The Great Mortality” or “The Pestilence”, but people had no idea what caused it, how to prevent the spread of the disease, or how to effectively
The Plague, also known as the black death, was one of the most fatal pandemics to ever happen. The disease started in Central Asia. It first infected fleas then rats. The rats started moving into cities, marking the start of a tremendous bloodshed. The disease infected sailors when rats immigrated into ships and kept finding its way through ports, spreading around in different continents.
The Black Death The Black Death, known as the Black Plague, or the Bubonic Plague killed one third of the population of Europe during the 13th and 14th centuries. The beginning of this plague set the scene for years suffering. It left the social and economic world in pause. The Black Death became a subject of art, music and folklore and it influenced the mind of the people. The impact of this mass killer caused disorder to the medieval society because of its unknown origin, the unknown causes and preventions, its deathly symptoms and its breakdown of life.
Athens became a sight of dead bodies heaped on top of each other and half dead people staggering around in public places. Athens lost a third of its population due to death from the plague, including Pericles who died in 429 B.C. This was a major drawback for Athens, weakening them heavily and depriving them of their leader. Cleon, as well as his opposition Nicias, became the most influential leader after the death of Perciles. In an attempt to take his power Cleon had accused Pericles of
The Black Death In the 1340s a lethal disease, also known as the Bubonic plague, attacked Europe’s entire population killing almost 50 million people, the continent's population reduced approximately two-thirds, leaving behind an unforgettable mark on our history. It spread quickly and devastated many other countries (Benedictow 1). As we can see, the Black Death Plague has been in existence for about 650 years, even though it is not widespread today, the Plague still exists. There are several explanations on the origins of the Black Death. It began in the spring of 1346 in the steppe region when the Mongols launched an attack on the Italian merchant’s last trading station, Kaffa in the Crimea (Benedictow 3) Others thought that it originated from earthquakes and fire, people even believed that it was a punishment from God for their sins.
WHAT IS IT PART Well the black death is one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, a plague that swept through Europe and Asia which killed millions in the 1300's. A plague is a disease that spreads extremely quickly and kills many people violently. Most scientist think that the Black Death was caused by a type of bacteria called Yersinia Pestis carried by the oriental rat flea. These fleas infested black rats and unfortunately, due to the unsanitary lifestyles of humans during the Middle Ages, these rats were literally everywhere. Once contracted by a human the disease became airborne.