Issues in Advertising

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Social and Ethical Issues in Advertising Advertising communicates the message some of which may not be acceptable to the society. These immoral and unethical values are controlled by self-control, control of consumers and by the government. Some say that some Ads degrade the ethical values of the society. For instance some advertisers project their medicine as giving immediate relief like magic is not acceptable. There are a number of unrealistic situation. The fairness of presentation is essential for any Ad. Value system is also getting eroded. Obscene and nudity are example of these. Gambling and lotteries should not be promoted. The names of celebrities should be used without their permission. The advertisements should be in line with the traditions and customs of the society. Advertising must follow certain moral principles certain rules and should not degrade or adversely comment on the other products and brands. It should highlight the positive points of its own products and be of good standard. It should not be offensive and in bad taste. It should not predict the sex of an unborn child and keep away from the unwanted practices adopted by the advertisers. Advertising should not be untruthful, deceptive and should not misguide the consumers. Some companies advertising about their two wheelers and four wheelers vehicle advertise that they will cover X amount of kms per liter when in practice the kms. covered are much less. These advertisements deceive the customer; sometimes advertisers have made false claims or failed to award prizes promised in sweeps takes or contests. The problem of untruthful advertising and promotion exists at the local level and in specific areas such as mail order, telemarketing and other forms of direct marketing. This is a great example of unethical advertising. When
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