Issue in Marketing Ethics

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1.0 Introduction Marketing Ethics are typically those that result in or at least do not negatively impact consumer satisfaction with the goods and services being promoted or with the company producing them. Much has been discussed about marketing ethics and the major factors that influences one’s perceived and practiced marketing ethics. According to (Singhapakdi, 1995), from the analyzed of past researchers, majority of the researchers agrees that from all of these factors, the culture plays the most important role in influencing one’s for ethical decision making. Ferrell and Gresham (1985) specified cultural environment as a background variable of ethical decision making in marketing and so does Hunt and Vitell (1986) that prioritized cultural environment as one of that factors directly influenced the marketing ethics decision process. When Murphy and Laczniak (1981) have the interest of looking deeper into what are influencing factors that determine and affect one’s marketing ethics decision, both reviewed the scholarly work in marketing ethics then on the same time they concluded that the area was lacking in its theoretical dimension (Singhapakdi & Vitell,1993).Their criticism has stimulated positive feedback towards the research in marketing ethics. Past research revealed that both personal cultural value and professional value had the biggest impact towards marketing ethics and ethical decision making. The influence of personal cultural values on ethical decision making has been well recognized by the theoretical work in the marketing ethics literature by Ferrell and Gresham (1985), Hunt and Vitell (1986), Ferrell, Gresham and Fraedrich (1989) (Rallapalli,2000). Hence, the main purpose of this study is to analyze how personal cultural values underlie the perceived marketing ethics of non marketing students in UiTM. The reason why non

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