Islands Of Genius

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Islands of Genius In the article “Islands of Genius” by Darold A. Treffert and Gregory A. Wallace the condition known as savants is put into question as we wonder if all of us have a bit of genius in us that is just laying dormant. First the actual study of savants is explained in its different forms (the most common being music, math and art). The first person on record of having savants is Thomas Fuller in 1789, “when fuller was asked how many seconds a person has lived by the time he was 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours he correctly responded 2,210,500,800 in a minute and a half- and he had taken into account 17 leap years”. The next person we learn about is Leslie Lemke, a music virtuoso by the young age of only 14. He played the piano flawlessly even with cerebral palsy, a developmental disability, and he was blind. He would play across the U.S. composing and improvising. Another man by the name of “Blind Tom” Bethune “who lived from 1849 to 1908”. He was said to have a vocabulary of less then 100 words but could play over 7,000 musical pieces with no flaws. He and Lemke also has a special ability known as perfect pitch which is when a person can hear a song and immediately play it back on a given instrument, Lemke’s and Bethune’s happened to be the piano like it is with most people who have a music savant and perfect pitch. Alonzo Clemens who is a visual artistic savant can see any animal and within 20 minutes have it perfectly sculpted in wax not missing a detail. Some savants can have an extensive knowledge of languages but cannot understand what it means; this is a very rare case of savants. Other rare occurrences include a heightened knowledge of history and statistics. Another rare one as recorded in a woman named Ellen is her ability to know what time it is down to the second regardless of location or season. Kim Peek who was played by Dustin Hoffman
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