Islam And Democracy

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ISLAM AND DEMOCRACY : CONCEPT AND THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE ISLAMIC POLITICAL SYSTEM AND THE WESTERN SYSTEM. 1. INTRODUCTION Islam and democracy are unique issue but there also like a very big scope to discuss. Beside that Islam and democracy is one of domain problem issue happen in anywhere Islam country. In this case, the main topic only focused the differences in the politic concept. We are highlight in why Islam compared with democracy, democracy in Islam, concept of democracy in Islam, and the difference between Islamic political system and the Western system. Islam is Ad-Din, which mean the way of life. Islam is from an Arabic word and came from al-Quran and As-Sunnah. It is connotes submission, surrender, and obedience as a religion. So, that means the al-Quran content a guide for the way of life such in current situation and so on. For example, like guidance about politics, economy, social, human right and many more aspects. Besides that, Islam is written by God (Allah S.W.T) and Prophet Muhammad is by As-Sunnah. In Islam concept, there are more to “Syura” concept. This concept made Islam become unique in political system aspect. But, this concept also showed difference with the democracy system. Democracy is made from west. It was come from two combine word from Greek. ‘Demos’ which mean is ‘citizen or people’ and ‘Kratia’ mean ‘leader’. So, democracy is a political form of government in which governing power is derived from the people. In simple words is “government to people by people”. All the people should be able to have their say in one way another in everything that affects their lives. So the government must fulfill the people demand. In democracy system, people are sovereign, and they are the highest from the political authority. The people have power for example vote their leader who are they wants. Furthermore, the practice or the

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