Isabella in Wuthering Heights

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Wuthering Heights (analysis) Magdaléna Jurkemíková, 2bpANRU For my analysis I chose the passage from Chapter III, Volume II 1 . Isabella is eloping from Heathcliff , she comes to Thruscross Grange and informs Nelly about what had happened at Wuthering Heights. From her letters Nelly already knows, that Isabella leads such a miserable life. She knows her husband loves her sister-in-law, we could even say he hates his wife and treats her badly. Isabella was used to be treated like a princess, to have all the attention by her family and now she is all alone. As she herself says, at first she wished Heathcliff would kill her, but then begins to wish he would die himself. From this point of view I would say that Hindley is in similar position. He despises Heathcliff strongly and makes no secret of his desire to kill him. On that day, which was shortly after Catherine’s death, Hindley decided to execute his wish. He did not ask Isabella for direct assistance in murder, he simply asked her not to warn Heathcliff. I think this would change her life completely. She was in desperate situation and his death would save her. Despite this fact Isabella does not obey Hindley’s wish. She refused to open the door when Heathcliff came home, because she was aware that it would be his end. Eventually Hindley did not succeed in murdering Heatcliff, and as Isabella confesses, she was ‘fearfully disappointed, and unnerved by terror for the consequences of her taunting speech’2. Although she strongly wished he was dead, she would never attempt at his life. In my opinion that makes her a moral winner in some sense. Nobody may have ever suspected that she was embroiled in her husband’s fate. Everybody knew that Hindley was a gambler, drunk and hated his (in fact) stepbrother , so nobody would be surprised if things turned out that way. 1) Bronte, Emily.
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