Is Watching Too Much Television Good for Kids?

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Mabel Garshong English – 112 4/8/15 Effects of Television on Kids Is too much television good for kids? Many experts say “No” I agree with the experts’ answer to this question because, too much television can cause dangerous ramifications on kids’ development. Television can have its benefits however; television is a tool that if not used properly, can have many negative consequences such as poor behavioral, emotional and social development on kid? Parents and guardians need to set effective boundaries (parental controls) as to the duration and kind of shows kids watch on television. Televisions, like any tool, can be very beneficial for kids if used properly. On the contrary, if use is not regulated by parents, it can lead to behavioral problems, such as violence, use of abusive language, and other negative behaviors. Also, bad behaviors can be emulated from watching adult-rated television programs such as reality shows and action movies. These may have a negative impact on a child’s development as children try to simulate what they watch on television. For example, kids who are allowed to watch programs containing violence and abusive language will most likely behave as such compared to kids who do not. Pearl, chief of behavioral science research at the National Institute of Mental Health reports a causal link between viewing TV and subsequent aggressive behavior (O'Mara). While in Ghana, a seven year boy somehow managed to get on top of a church building and jumped yelling “I am captain planet” trying to emulate the cartoon character captain planet and instantly died. The show was banned due to several complaints parents made regarding that particular show. Parents therefore need to set boundaries for their kids as to the kinds of shows, games and movies they watch in order to avoid falling prey to the dangerous

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