Is Watching Television a Waste of Time?

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In the era we live today, where communication means everything, there is a tendency to believe that all that is relevant for us as inhabitants of the world appears on television. That is maybe why most of the people spend a great deal of their time in front of their sets, something continuously criticized by those who believe that this activity is a complete waste of time. Nevertheless, three main reasons which explain why the majority of the people prefer doing this than doing anything else can be mentioned, and they might suggest that watching television is not a waste of time. Firstly, as part of society we need to be informed. We can not ignore the events that take place in the world, whether they might occur near or far from our homes because in one way or another they might affect us. We want to be aware of the state of the world from the point of view of economy, ecology, politics and many other aspects, and for this purpose television always has the scoop. Since live TV made its appearance, it represents the quickest way to get the last news. Another important reason why watching television is an actually useful way of spending the time is the fact there is a wide variety of programs and channels specially created to show the best places of all the countries as well as their customs and ways of living. Thus through television we can take a virtual trip to the most exotics and amazing countries, which is always an interest plan, especially if it is a country that is completely different from our own. Finally, we should not forget what it is widely considered to be the main purpose of television: entertainment. Having fun and relaxing is as important for a person as it is working or studying and it is hard to try to think in a source of fun that is better than television. After a long working day, when we cannot wait to get home, all we can think of
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