Is Wal-Mart Good for the Economy

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Is Walmart good for the economy? Walmart is causing a calamity in our economy today. The mega retailer has grown to be the largest company in the world, grossing a staggering 446 billion dollars in 2011 and employing over 2.2 million people world wide. The giant corporation does not pay it's employees a living wage, and half of their employees can not afford a health care plan. With such a lack of financial stability many of Walmart employees are forced to seek government assistants programs, such as Welfare. The economic destruction does not end at mediocre pay and a diminutive benefits packages for its employees. Walmart is also to blame for the downfall of many privately owned businesses, because of an inability to compete with the super store. Walmart was founded 1962 in rural Arkansas, by Sam Walton. Walton saw an increasing need for consumers to receive goods at a minimal price. Fulfilling that demand accelerated Walmart to the top echelon of business. Many entrepreneurs can only dream of the type of success that a store like Walmart has had. Being the quintessential one stop, shop, and go for all your home, garden, and automotive needs, Walmart has monopolized the retail industry. The tactics used to maintain corporate supremacy are not beneficial to anyone other than it's CEOs and share holders. With 8 cents of every dollar spent in America and over 80 percent of Walmart's suppliers located in china, it is easy to see that Walmart's business model is detrimental to our economy. The uncompromising, elitist attitude that Walmart practices, forced some employees to try to unionize the company. The American employees receive a minuscule average pay of just $9.45 per hour, for what can be compared to slave labor. It is not uncommon for one employee to do many jobs.

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