is technology all bad?

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“Knowledge is Power.” Almost everyone has heard this quote, but who actually knows who said it? Four clicks on the mouse later and here I am staring at a picture of Sir Frances Bacon, the man known for coining the famous phrase. Despite the shortcomings, Technology provides us all a means to access the past, research the present, and unlock secrets to the future. Of course, there are negatives to this powerful tool, but in no way is my technology savvy generation the dumbest generation ever. “Dumbed Down” by Lianne George makes a strong case that technology has done more harm than good to our brains, perhaps even causing “brain fog” and a technology induced form of ADD. She points out, quoting multiple doctors and professors on the risks and harm overexposure to technology has done to the “Digital Native” generation. In particular, she quotes Dr. Gary Small, “(Due to technology) they no longer have time to reflect, contemplate, or make thoughtful decisions. They exist in a sense of constant crisis” (Dumbed Down. Online). There is truth in the fact that the world is moving at a faster pace thanks to technology. Cell phones and iPods take up a lot of our free time and books are sometimes afterthoughts. If you’re not careful you can lose hours of your day on the internet, and even find yourself glazed over staring at a television set. Although all of these risks are real, and things that must be dealt with as our brains get exposed to more and more technological advances, the good certainly outweighs the bad. My argument for technology begins with a quote from Lianne George’s article. “..Young people using technology to develop ingenious and hyper-efficient new ways of finding, synthesizing and communicating information” (Dumbed Down. Online). With all of the information on the airwaves, our computers, and now even on our cellular phones knowledge is everywhere. We
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