Is Racism and Anti-Semitism Still a Problem in the United States?

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Is racism and anti-Semitism still a problem in the United States? Is racism and anti-Semitism still a problem in the United States? The reason I chose this topic for my assignment is because it bothers me that even though I am an American born citizen, am a military veteran, and pay taxes; I am still considered and classified as a minority by my country. My family, like many other families we know of directly who have experienced racism in this country due to ignorance, because of our physical appearance, because of negative stereotypes given to us by this country and lack of knowledge. While in high school my friends and I got our first taste of racism, when we tried to start a M.E.Ch.A. club "Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan" or "Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan" the school faculty felt that it would become a niche for lation gangs; when I joined the military racism was pretty much out in the open and in the civilian life we hear about daily incidents that minorities experience. As for anti-Semitism we dont hear much about it being a huge problem in the United States, unlike the many percistant racist issues still plaguing this country. The reason I chose this topic for my assignment is because Its a very sensative topic for my family,myself and every hardworking immigrant that has earned their right to live in America by fullfilling the American dream requirements to become an American citizen; yet, this country publically still stereotypes and classifies them as minorities. Racism still occurring in this country is a total shame because in my personal opinion it shows that as a society we have not evolved. I believe that unless one does not have feelings, remorse or emotions does not feel for anyone that suffers the negative impacts that people suffer, experience, and go through because of racism. That's not to include the

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