Is Online Game Good?

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In our world these days, while we all are busy getting to work every day, games play a significant role as part of our lives. When was the last time you played game? I believe everyone used to play some kind of games, Tetris, Chess, Mario, etc. Other than these, many people today spend a lot of their time with online games, which are the games that you play while connected to the Internet, and not only do children and teens play these games but all ages as well. Some people say that playing games destroy their lives and put their lives in danger. On the other side, gamers argue that playing games is opportunities to make new friends, improve skills, and create some business. I totally agree with gamers and believe that playing online games gives player more benefits than harm in their lives. Many people love to play games because games are much more than just having fun. First of all, to play online games you have to connect to the Internet, which mean that you can meet other people from around the world (Blizzard). There are a lot of game communities you can find on the Internet and most people in there are good people who are ready to talk and share their experiences with you (Blizzard). For example, if you go to Blizzard’s forum, you will find many gamers who love playing games and most of them are friends (Blizzard). Moreover, online games can improve your thinking skills especially in Real Time Strategy games (RTS). In RTS games, players have to plan their game at least a step ahead in order to have advantages over the opponents, and most of the best players plan their game more steps normal players do (Rts-sanctuary). They also can adjust their plans depending on the situations (Rts-sanctuary). Planning is not just about games but you can practice it for everything in daily life (Rts-sanctuary). Most importantly, online games are not just games but they
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