Is Law Necessay To Society?

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Imagine what life would be like without laws. It would probably be very chaotic and unpleasant for most people. This is why laws are necessary to society. A good way to understand laws and why we need them is to learn about the probable causes of crime and why people do the things they do. We can also do this by studying the nature verses nurture debate and if people are inherently good or evil. Laws protect our rights and freedoms in various ways. They prevent the government from abusing its power against its citizens, provide justice to all people, and protect people from harm. It is clear from learning about these topics that law is an important factor in society and governments. Life without laws could be a very scary thing. The world would probably turn into compete chaos and anarchy because there would be no rules or guidelines to live by. People would be forced to rely only on common sense, which would be fine for most people but there are of course the exceptions. All human beings have flaws and without laws, some might have trouble distinguishing from right and wrong. Everyone would be able to do whatever they want whenever they want and not have to worry about the consequences that would arise because there would be no one there to punish them. People who would normally not commit a crime for fear of getting caught and arrested would have nothing to stop them from fulfilling their criminal urges. There would be numerous cases of theft or robbery, and even more serious issues like rape and murder. If someone wanted a new car, for example, but did not have the money to purchase one, they could simply walk into the lot and drive away with one without even thinking twice about it. Psychopaths, serial killers and rapists with no police to stop them would begin never ending killing sprees and would never have to pay
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