Is Lady Macbeth the True Driving Force Behind the Murder of Duncan?

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Macbeth Essay - Is Lady Macbeth the true driving force behind the murder of Duncan?
Macbeth, a tragedy written for King James I, is based on historical facts, and common beliefs of the time. It was created by Shakespeare in a time of superstition, magic, and lingering evil. The action in Macbeth starts with three witches talking about a prophecy that Macbeth shall become king. This becomes true soon after the prophecy was implanted into Macbeth’s head. Macbeth is a noble man and was incapable of committing the murder himself; however Lady Macbeth was able to convince her husband to follow through with the deed. Lady Macbeth an evil, cruel and determined woman is therefore the major driving force behind the murder of Duncan. Although it is the witch’s prophecy which first plants the notion of Macbeth being king, it is Lady Macbeth’s own ambition for power which leads her to put the real thought into Macbeth’s head and convinces him to go through with the murder .
Macbeth did not reach his goal all by himself; he needed help from a certain someone. That person was his own wife Lady Macbeth, who in many ways is the complete opposite of Macbeth. At times she is cruel, cold blooded and determined. She even has a stronger personality than her husband who at times is quite weak and indecisive. In Act 1 Scene 7 where Macbeth is having second thoughts about the murder it is evident that Lady Macbeth is a lot braver then Macbeth.
“How tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me.
I would, while it was smiling in my face,
Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums
And dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you
Have done to this.” (Act 1 Scene 7 Lines 55-59) Here one can see that Lady Macbeth, while her husband is in doubt, expresses that if she had to she would kill her own baby. This would indirectly say that Macbeth is less of a man than his wife Lady
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