Is Google Making Us Stupid

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“Is Google Making us Stupid?” While the use of the World Wide Web is extensively accessible to people old and young, the use of internet search engines rank high on the top list of accessed sites on the web. While some will argue the resourcefulness of such sites, others would agree that searching within these sites restricts the mind from using its full potential due to ease of access in retrieving data. With data, statistics, facts, media sources, and electronic databases all being available online, information now as people see, is only a click away. Though this poses to be a mere convenience to users, this does not mean people are smarter or more intelligent due to the fact that they can “GOOGLE” terms and find answers to information needed. People, who believe that search engines are great sources for retrieval of information, do not understand the need to acquire knowledge on a more personal level. Retrieval of information using search engines, limits the full functionality of humans use of brain, reading and acquiring learning through meaning, and the ability to retain learned material. Get rid of the oversize bookshelf stacked with encyclopedias and replace it with a laptop. The ability to click on the internet, open goggle, type numerous topics into a search engine and within a blink of an eye have answers on the screen in front of you. Perfection! David Wolman, in his article “The Critics Need a Reboot. The Internet Hasn't Led Us Into a New Dark Age.” Mentions “The explosion of knowledge represented by the Internet and abetted by all sorts of digital technologies makes us more productive and gives us the opportunity to become smarter, not dumber.” In today’s world everybody wants to work smarter not harder. Google gives us the ability to save a trip to the local library or by purchasing that textbook on World War II by giving us easy access. Let’s
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