Is Corruption Good for China?

1021 Words5 Pages
“Is corruption good for China?” (Corruption case) (950 words) “Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both”. John F. Kennedy Is corruption good? In fact, this is a very complex and painful question. May even say that it is a deep wound that cannot simply be cured. Corruption is like a huge spider web. If you caught, then she does not let you go. Corruption gives the people what they want - money and riches. Everyone who is in power can be corrupt. Corruption lives in every country. In some States it has a very small influence on people, in others corruption is a very huge mechanism to earn “additional” money. In such countries as New Zealand, Germany, Belgium, etc. the corruption level is close to zero, but, for example, in developing countries such as Russia, Brazil, China, Kazakstan and others the corruption is very high. In this essay we are interested in China. We have the main question related to this particular country and corruption. Is corruption good for china? So, let’s think about it. The Chinese government is trying to fight against the corruption and even thoughts about corruption for a long time. The anti-corruption struggle is conducted in China since the 80's. Throughout these years, the issue of corruption is one of the most acute. The last leader Hu Jintao stated that "the life and death of the party and the state depends on the presence of a strong political volition to punish and prevent corruption phenomena" is a successor of the course to eliminate corruption, the theory of which was laid by Deng Xiaoping. I strongly agree with this statement. To get rid of corruption the government has to have strong instruments of influence and pressure-lever. The Chinese government has such tools. The punishment for corrupt people in China is very cruel. Death or life
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