Ireland And The Usa-Interwar Years.

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Compare and contrast economic and social conditions in inter-war Ireland and America. Word Count-2076 The inter-war period represents a time of great change and upheaval for both the United States of America and Ireland. Just after the First World War, the United States was propelled into a position of almost unquestioned world supremacy.[1] It was the only great power in the world to come out of the Great War with its economy unscathed. At the same time an independent Irish nation was in its birth pangs. The War of Independence followed by the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the Civil War transformed Ireland into an independent state ready to take its place amongst the nations of the world. This essay shall track the contrasting fortunes of the United States and The Irish Free State both socially and economically between the wars. Economically speaking both the United States and Ireland were in a very healthy state thanks to World War I. There was increased production and demand for goods. Freidel and Brinkley point to a booming market for scarce consumer goods in the United States and a strong European market as reasons for the boom which lasted for almost two years following Armistice.[2] A similar situation was happening in Ireland. Agricultural prices trebled between 1914 and 1921 in the wake of increased demand for food and animals.[3] A combination of high earnings in agriculture and some shortage of imported goods meant high prosperity for the trader.[4] In economic terms, the last years of the Union with Great Britain, were considered to have been the best years.[5] However this economic prosperity was undercut by high inflation on both sides of the Atlantic. Prices rose by 77 percent in 1919 and by 105 percent in 1920 in the United States.[6] In 1920 the post-war economic boom collapsed in both countries. Between 1920 and 1921 the GNP of the United
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