Iosh Managing Safely Revision Notes

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Revision Why Manage Safely ? • Moral • Legal • Financial • Staff morale • Reduce accidents Consequences of getting it wrong: Magistrates • 6 months in prison • Up to £20,000 Crown Court • Up to 2 years in prison • Unlimited pay out/compensation RIDDOR Reporting injuries, diseases, dangerous occurrences regulations Need to report: • Fatalities • Serious/major injuries • More than 3 days injuries (LTIs) • Occupational diseases (thought to be linked to work) • Dangerous occurrences (near miss) ELI Employer Liability Insurance 5 Million minimum How many killed in the UK in a Year? 220 How many seriously injured at work? 30,000 How many leave workforce each year due to harm suffered at work never to return? 25,000 How many working days do we lose every year due to workplace injuries or ill health? 33 Million days lost every year On average how many Managers, Directors are convicted each year? 10 What % of workplace incidents are preventable by good management? 70% What does good H & S help you do with other responsibilities? • Increase profits • Enhance reputation • Reduce wastage/insurance premiums • Boost staff morale, maintaining a happy healthy workforce. Contributable Negligence – injured at work but partly at fault, eg not wearing PPE Assessing Risks Risk = Likelihood + consequence Hazard = anything that has the potential to cause harm Likelihood = is the chance a hazardous event will occur Consequence = is the outcome of a hazardous event A Risk Assessment = a careful examination of anything in your working environment that could cause injury or ill health. Acute = now Chronic = over time L I E E R R List work tasks (location, who is involved,equipment, activities, environment Identify Risks (trips,slips, fall from height, travel, biological) Estimate the risk (likelihood ? consequence ?(table

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