Investigatory Project- Chapter 1

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Making soap of guava stem extract Chapter I Introduction A. Background of the Study Taking a bath is essential in our daily lives. Soap is needed in taking a bath, as well as water. People enjoy the scent, shapes and children like it when soap turns into bubbles. Whether use for whitening, for laundry, or for dishes, all soaps are used to clean our body. The use of different plants like guava as ingredient are the manifestations of soap. When soaps are used with plants, two uses are seen: the use of soap as whitening and the use of soap to prevent diseases. Plants are used as whitening soaps because it contains Vitamin C for responsible for whitening. And some soaps use plants to make soaps because it contains antibiotic that prevents infection. B. Statement of the Problem This research was conducted to know how to make soap out of the guava extract. Specifically, it sought to answer this question: How to make a soap out of guava stem extract? C. Hypothesis If we make a soap out of the guava stem extract, then it can prevent spread of bacteria, because guava stem contains natural antibiotic that prevents infection. The independent variable was the usage of guava stem extract. The dependent variable was the efficiency of guava stem extract as soap. D. Objective This investigatory project aimed to know how to make soap out of guava stem by using the stem’s extract as an ingredient to the soap. E. Significance of the Study Soaps are used as we take a bath every day. Although people can choose among these lots of soap brands, many customer prefer to buy those soaps that contains plants
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