Investigatory Project Essay

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Science Investigation Project Phase I. Proposal I. Problem Why do we have dry skin ? II. Title E-lotion III. Rationale We arrived at this kind of problem, because we have observed that there are a lot of people who have dry skin. It occurs when the skin lacks vitamin E. People nowadays are too lazy in applying lotion on their skin and some of them even forget to apply. Some people also are not into applying lotion because they hate the feeling of getting wet when they are sweaty and because of being lazy, there’s a tendancy/possibility that they will have a dry skin. Mostly, people who have dry skin are those who can’t afford expensive lotions. That’s why we will make this kind of product to solve the problems we are encountering in our society today. IV. Materials * Papaya * Plastic bottle or container * Fresh milk We don’t need to buy all these materials because these can be found in our home. V. Procedure First, was the fresh papaya to get the dust that can cause irritation to our skin. Second, peel the fresh papayawith clean knife or any sharp things. Third, squeeze the fresh papaya. So that we could separate the juice of the papaya. Fourth, we need to get the juice of the fresh papaya, and wait till it is a little bit sticky. Fifth, put the fresh papaya juice and fresh milk into a container and mix it well. Sixth, apply it in your skin. Rub it in your skin that you desired to put on. And lastly, see the difference after applying the e-lotion. Papaya lotion can be bought in the market, but I advice you that natural plant is more effective and it is 100% natural. VI. Implication Most people here in Philippines have their dry skin. Through our investigation project, we can help other people to prevent dry skin. Our investigation project is surely made by natural products like papaya and milk. VII.
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