Introverts vs Extroverts

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The Extroverted Vs. the Introverted Personality and Second Language Learning 1 Paula Kezwer There have been a number ofstudies done to try to explain the effects of outgoingness versus reservedness on second language learning. The results of these studies have often been contradictory with some showing a clear correlation between extroversion and success in learning a second language, others failing to demonstrate that there is a positive correlation between outgoingness and second language proficiency. This paper presents a survey of all the major INTRODUCTION studies dealing with the influence ofextroversion on second language learning. It is argued that among the reasons for the discrepancies in research results are the wide variety and dubious validity ofthe personality assessment instruments used; the nature of the tasks used to determine second language proficiency; and the structure ofclassroom interaction. The implications of extroversion and introversion for classroom teaching are also considered. Instinctively, many second language teachers somehow feel that a student with an outgoing personality is more likely to be successful as a second language learner than his less gregarious counterpart. Language teachers reason that the extrovert will create more situations for himself to engage in conversation in the target language. This enrichment of opportunities to speak the new language will positively affect the development of the student's proficiency in it. Ofcourse, an intuitive feeling about the relationship between an outgoing personality and second language learning is not sufficient evidence on which to base a theory of teaching and learning. A number of empirical studies have been done to try to explain the effects of outgoingness versus reservedness on second language acquisition. Some studies have shown a clear
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