Introduction To The Federalist Papers

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The Federalist Papers Introduction * The Federalist papers are one of the most important works in political science * As years passed, respect for the work has blossomed (“timeless truths about constitutional government”) * Translated into a dozen different languages * Collection of 85 letters to the public * Released in newspapers in NYC beginning on October 27,1787 * March 1788- 1st 36 papers were issued in a collected edition (papers continuously released in newspapers) * Halted at #77 on April 4th, resumed on June 14th, concluded August 16th * May 28th- 2nd volume published containing #37-85 * Written in great haste and under pressure * They were written as only “one of the several hundred salvos…show more content…
10 Large Republic: Best Control of Effects of Faction * Measures are too often decided by the majority rather than rules of justice and the rights of the minority party * Faction= a group of citizens united and actuated by a common passion adverse to the right of other citizens Faction Cure: (2 methods) -remove causes -control effects * 2 methods to remove causes: -destroy liberty -equalize passion * 1st remedy: destroy liberty -worse than the disease -without liberty---faction dies -cannot abolish liberty because it is essential to political life * 2nd remedy: Equalize Passions -impossible to equalize passions, opinions, and…show more content…
* The government should be structures so that the three constitutional branches and their relationships keep each other in their proper places * Members of each branch should have as little input as possible in the appointment of members of the others * The people appoint officers * In the judiciary branch, there are specific qualification to be selected * Judges hold permanent tenure----would destroy any need for the authority appointing them * If the executive or the judicial were not independent of the legislature, their dependence in every other area would be insignificant (BRANCHES MUST BE INDEPENDENT OF ALL OTHER BRANCHES) * Solution to prevent the gradual accumulation of power in 1 branch is to give the administration the necessary constitutional tools and personal motives to resist encroachment Government Reflects Human Nature * Government is the greatest reflections of human nature (live and learn from mistakes) * If government is to be administered by men over men, you must 1st enable government to control the governed * Government control depends on the people---so extra precautions are always necessary * There must be checks and balances in all
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