Structure And Function Of The Nervous System Essay

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Introduction to Structure and Function of the Nervous System To complete this worksheet, select: Module: Regulation Activity: Animations Title: Introduction to Structure and Function of the Nervous System Introduction 1. a. Describe the primary function of the nervous system. Regulates body activities b. How does this function underlie human regulation? By regulating functions in both the CNS and the PNS c. Name the three neuron types. Motor, sensory, and association Neuron Structure & Function 2. What is the function of motor neurons? Convey action potentials away from CNS to muscles and glands in PNS through cranial and spinal nerves.…show more content…
Name neuron functions for the central nervous system (CNS). Receive information from PNS to carry out functions 7. Name neuron functions for the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Connecting the CNS to limbs and organs 8. Where is PNS tissue located? Nerves and ganglia 9. Explain the functions of two types of neurons that form the somatic nervous system division of the PNS. sensory neurons – convey information from somatic receptors in head, body walla, and limbs motor neurons – Conduct impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles 10. a. Explain the functions of two types of neurons that form the autonomic nervous system division of the PNS. sensory neurons – convey information from receptors located in stomach and lungs motor neurons – conduct impulses from CNS to smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands b. Describe the two divisions of the motor portion of the ANS. Sympathetic – fight-or-flight responses Parasympathetic – rest-and-digest activities c. Do these divisions work voluntarily or involuntarily? What effectors are stimulated by each? They work involuntarily to stimulated autonomic sensory and motor

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