Introduction to Public Relations

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Introduction: Public Relation is a management function that involves monitoring and evaluating public attitudes and maintaining mutual relations and understanding between an organization and its public. Public could include shareholders, government, consumers, employees and the media. It is the act of getting along with people we constantly come in touch with. PR practitioners ensure internal cohesion in the company by maintaining a clear communications network between the management and employees. Its first objective is to improve channels of communication and to establish new ways of setting up a two-way flow of information and understanding. Public relations as a separate career option has came into existence when lots of private or government companies and institution felt the need to market their product, service and facilities. Public image is important to all organizations and prominent personalities. The role of public relation specialist becomes pertinent in crisis situations when the correct and timely transmission of information can help save the face of the organization. Definition of public relations: Public relations are the planned and organized efforts in order to build and strengthen healthy relationships between the organization and its internal public of hand and its external audiences on the other hand. Public relations and the internal publics 1- Strengthen the spirit of belonging and loyalty among workers inside the organization, and the teamwork spirit through multiple activities: Social events: planning entertainment trips for workers within Created and their families and Organizing annual Iftar Party in the month of Ramadan. Sports events: the establishment of courses sports such as football for young employees inside the organization to strengthen relations and break the formal
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